Unleashing the Dark and Hilarious World of Mark Buford’s “Scary Gary”

Frank Mariani

Frank Mariani

Frank Mariani is seasoned (but young-at-heart) artist with over 40 years of experience in the visual arts. Like many of his colleagues, his roots go wayyyy back to childhood where his creativity revealed itself not just in art class, but in the margins and odd free spaces of notebooks, much to the chagrin (and sometimes scolding) of his teachers. When the muse strikes, the hand draws!

Frank Mariani

Frank Mariani

Frank Mariani is seasoned (but young-at-heart) artist with over 40 years of experience in the visual arts. Like many of his colleagues, his roots go wayyyy back to childhood where his creativity revealed itself not just in art class, but in the margins and odd free spaces of notebooks, much to the chagrin (and sometimes scolding) of his teachers. When the muse strikes, the hand draws!

Welcome to the twisted and wacky world of “Scary Gary,” a Creators Syndicate comic strip that might have slipped under the radar of many comic strip enthusiasts, but is definitely worth the attention. Created by the talented cartoonist Mark Buford, “Scary Gary” is a hidden gem that brings together dark humor, clever storytelling, and unique characters.

With a keen sense of humor and an unapologetically dark tone, Buford has created a comic strip that reflects his talent for macabre-based humor. “Scary Gary” follows the life of a bumbling yet likeable retired vampire named Gary (of course), who tries to adapt to life in Suburbia, USA. His world is populated by an eccentric cast of friends, led by his resentfully loyal henchman, a fanged squatty green monster named Leopold.

Buford regularly breaks through the guardrails of humor with a sensitive take on loneliness and rejection particularly through the dialogue of Travis, a naively optimistic severed head in a bottle, and Owen, a bespectacled ghost whose self confidence is about as wispy as his hovering self. As Charles Schulz proved, the themes of loneliness and rejection can help endear a character to the readership.

Some daily strips:

Adding Color to the World of “Scary Gary”:

I’m not just a fan, I am the colorist for the Monday through Saturday installments of “Scary Gary.” With great pleasure I get to bring Buford’s black and white daily comics to life (or death, depending on the gag) with hues that add an extra layer of depth to the already rich world of the strip. Wanna know what else bonds me to this great comic feature? Mark and I work on identical graphic tablets, the Wacom Cintiq 22 for all you digital graphics nerds.

Color me lucky because I dive into the weirdly wonderful and eerie neighborhood of “Scary Gary” at a detailed level few have access to. The best of both worlds is mine-mine-MINE because I CAN see the forest for the trees. BWA-HA-HA-HAAAA!

“Scary Gary” is a comic strip that makes me chuckle like a distracted middle school kid during a boring class. If you haven’t yet discovered the world of “Scary Gary,” it’s time to dive in and experience the funny and twisted world of this exceptional comic strip. Take a good-sized sampling and let me know what you think. I’ve let Mark know I’ll be waving the flag for Gary, Leopold and company. Maybe he’ll take time (hint-hint) to chime in himself.


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